Production Bases

Mekophar is one of the first enterprises to be awarded with certificate of WHO GMP compliance in Vietnam, and is also the one and only enterprise in Vietnam to produce betalactam antibiotic APIs for domestic and international market. To meet the ever rising demands of the market places,the Company is continuously updating and/or investing its production facilities to highest level as possible. As for now, its production facilities that are in conformance to the WHO GMP are as follows:

Betalactam Antibiotics: there are the following production lines

  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Ampicillin and Amoxicillin
  • Penicillin Oral Solid Dosage Forms.
  • Cephalosporin Oral Solid Dosage Forms.
  • Penicillin Powders For Injection.
  • Cephalosporin Powders For Injection.

Nonbetalactam: there are the following production lines

  • Oral Solid Dosage Forms.
  • Liquid and Semi-solid Dosage Forms.
  • Large Volume Parenterals.
  • Small Volume Parenterals.
  • Probiotics.
  • Herbal Medicines.
  • Nutraceuticals.

Each line is well equipped with specific equipments or system of equipments that are adequate to their intended use in the production processes.

Quality Control Labs that are GLP compliant.

Warehouses that are GSP compliant.

At present, the Company is authorized to manufacture over 300 products of various kinds. Mekophar products are manufactured by state of the art procedures and facilities, with assured quality as per registered market authorization dossiers submitted to Vietnam Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam (in compliance with WHO GMP).